We are each unique, special individuals, responsible for our own well-being and success. As co-creators of our lives, we bring it into action and experience the many treasures. We all have the power to create our reality from our dreams through thoughts and actions.
A day never goes by without my gratitude to a greater being and the many teachers, role models, and experiences that have guided me in life. To women of all ages daughters, mothers, and grandmothers alike. I hope this book adds to your life’s beauty and prosperity.
As a Founder and as well as Beautician, I have found it much easier to attend to the inner beauty, but I feel that outer beauty is the source of all. If I can positively impact both, then I have truly succeeded in my journey. To those who search for beauty, I encourage you to ponder and look for the best service you would like to embrace your beauty.

Treatment Service
Let us introduce you to all the services that Kayxi Beauty Spa di Kelantan provided so that you will have a clear mind of what you preferred to embrace your outer beauty.
You deserve bliss through beauty and lifelong happiness that you create for yourself. Be the best you can be today, tomorrow, and forever, and love every bit of it! Naturally, build your self-esteem and boost your mood.
The little sister to Kayxi Beauty Spa & Makeup, Kay's Scents & Aroma features homemade personal care and aromatherapy products and only provides and sells the highest quality of Scented Candles, Bath Bombs, Body Scrub and etc.