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A Little Story About My Journey

Hi!  Most of you know me, but for those who don’t, my name is Kayxi Kang.  I am the owner of Kayxi Beauty Spa & Makeup, Kay's Scents & Aroma and at the moment, the only beautician here as well.

My heart and soul has gone into the making of this space and I seek to always maintain that integrity with every step I make.  I want to tell you a little about me and my path to opening my own beauty spa and where I am wanting to take it. Hang in there, it's kinda long.


Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would have become a professional beautician. Back in the day, when my mom is still around, she had a small hair salon running in a small town of Bachok, Kelantan. Currently, the salon has been taken over by my sister.


Sure, in primary and secondary school I would do my own makeup, facial, cut and color my own hair all kinds of ways and crazy colors, but it just never crossed my mind. 


I remember a friend saying I would have my own salon/spa one day and I told her she was crazy! Hair? Me?  I thought maybe makeup, but other people’s hair, no way! Lol! Growing up I thought I wanted to be a teacher.


After my mom pass away on my 13th years old, I have lost the hope of living. Luckily, at that time, I have my beloved siblings who were very supportive and took care of me until now. From that on, I told myself that I have to study hard, move on, living a better life and make my mom proud.


Come time graduation I looking for a job that I really interested. Which is become a teacher. However, I started my first job as a part-time beautician at Kelly Beauty House (2013) currently known as Celmonz The Signature (well-known established beauty spa Kota Bharu Francaise) with no any experience. From there, I’m started to work harder and harder for 8 years until I achieved my highest position as Outlet Supervisor. Little did I know that the main focus would be beautician and that it would come pretty naturally to me.  So, I was armed with knowledge and ready to take on the world! Or so I thought!

Once it came time for Covid-19 Outbreak where everything changes! During the Covid-19 lockdown, all of the physical services business such as spa and reflexology facilities, massage centres, wellness, beauty and hair salons, pedicure and manicure services and etc were prohibited to operate, including the place where I work. With no job and salary withheld, it gave a huge impact on me, I was under a lot of stress due to this unexpected situation.  


After a few months of staying home without doing anything, me and my husband (boyfriend during that time) came across with an idea which is I have to resign from my job and work as mobile beautician to support my life. My plan is providing beauty services at customer place/home in my nearby area since they were not able to go out due to movement control order (MCO). It was difficult for the first time, but when time goes by, I can get used to it. Luckily, my biggest supporter, my husband is there to help me in term of driving and lifting heavy equipment such as portable bed and machine.


After few months of working, I told myself that I didn’t want to work for anyone else, so I prepared myself to open my own beauty spa.  Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would ever want to be involved with managing a business, but somehow, it being my direct business it's kinda fun!


So, after working as a mobile beautician for about 9 months, I tried to expand my business by having small beauty spa area and at the same time still providing home beauty services. The purpose of renting small room for my beauty spa by sharing a small room with one of the hair salons in Wakaf Baru is to make it easier for my customers who are not comfortable doing business at home by giving them choices.

While the business goes well, me and my husband looking for a bigger space to start our business with our own savings. We found a cute little space (much bigger than the previous rented room) few minutes from main town of Kota Bharu, Kelantan.  Here I hope to grow Kayxi Beauty Spa & Makeup to be the kind of place that I so longed for when I first started. A place where technique is refined, creativity is nurtured, and good vibes are a must!


Still remember the day when my husband still studying in KL, we did a lot of videos calling to talk with our contractor and about our business planning since he is the one in charge of designing and renovating. He first started by designing the space by using free mobile app. Damn! I couldn’t imagine he manage to do that! Next, he designed the logo, continued by designing signboard, the space including floor, wall, lighting, furniture, and pretty much everything! While, every product and equipment has been hand selected by me, after doing research on the businesses and their values. I proudly carry most of the local range of beauty products and slowly building to have every single offering.


After he came back for semester break, we totally focusing on our business renovating, including install cabinet, reception counter, floor tile and some decorations by our self! We spent most day and night, slept there during that period of time with less rest to make sure everything went smooth before he going back to KL. And thanks god, the space is ready to operate at the end of the day!

Together me and my husband are working towards the launch of our first Kayxi Beauty Spa & Makeup outlet which open in the main town of Kota Bharu, Kelantan in 2022. The only, Nordic spa-themed wellness facilities will feature a range of wellness experiences in town, including facial and beauty treatment, massage therapy and relaxation areas and etc.


Our mission is to offer guests an affordable, transformative thermal wellness experience to help them pause and centre themselves. Wellness was becoming a priority before the pandemic, but now, more than ever, people are interested in prevention and taking measures to improve their health.





In early June, we launched Kayxi Beauty Spa & Makeup's little sister Kay’s Scents & Aroma e-commerce business, focusing on selling beauty, personal care, and cosmetic products and treatments to an amazing response.


Despite every other company trying to do the same, Kay’s Scents & Aroma decided to stand out by offering affordable prices for everyone with huge discount promotions.


With the extra time we had from not servicing customers in person, we channeled all remaining resources into improving our online presence and maintaining community relationships.


We’ve posted countless videos, ranging from seasonal messages like getting ready for Raya to facial tutorials and simple yet important short clips spreading positivity and joy.


Behind the scenes, we also have very supportive family members, friends, relatives, and our landlord who has been very understanding throughout this period.


So, that has been my journey to now! I am full of inspiration and passion to continue to pursue my dreams and welcome into my life the things I never thought possible for myself. I read a quote once that said “bloom where you are planted” and I believe that.  The grass is not greener on the other side, the grass you tend to and water and give love to will be the greenest grass you’ve ever seen. Don’t dismiss something simply because you never imagined yourself doing it before.  There are things in life that are inexplicable and you have to just give it your all, learn the life lessons, and enjoy the ride. My biggest mission in life has always been to help others smile and be happy. Not only do I get to do this on an external level but I try my best to plant the right seeds in my clients hearts to help them live a more fulfilling life. Because that's what it’s all about.  I aim to find other people just as passionate about their craft and professionalism and that care about helping others like I do so that Kayxi Beauty Spa & Makeup continues to be the destination for a new kind beauty treatment, an inner beauty treatment. Self-love, confidence, gratitude, adventure, wellness, and so much more are the topics of conversation here. We love to talk about our families, and new experiences, and things we’d like to try. I look forward to always providing the best of myself and training future professionals to do the same.


It's been more than a year since the day I operate my own cbusiness and do something I love. I really glad I stood my own stance!

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